Thomson Hay Project

Yarrowee River and Tributaries Masterplan


City of Ballarat


Roger Thomas (Naturalist)

In 1995, Thomson Hay & Associates prepared the Yarrowee River Corridor Environmental and Recreational Assessment Report, Landscape Masterplan and Land Management Plan for the Linear Network of Communal Spaces (LINCS) Committee. This plan has guided works on the river for the last 25 years. The project challenge is to review and prepare recommendations for the next 25 years. This masterplan has reviewed over 50km of river and including the river’s tributaries. The new recommendations build on the current City of Ballarat policies and strategies.


The masterplan has: 

Divided the 50km of river into clearly defined reaches  

Analysed and mapped the existing conditions. 

Mapped the project proposals along the entire 50km of river and tributaries in clear and easy to read plans. 

Developed a Project Action Plan spreadsheet that identifies, scopes and prioritises works

Identified 4 Priority Projects to be completed within a short time frame and available budget

The recommendations respond to the communities needs, as well as current policy and strategy including: 

  • Increased walking paths / cycling trails to connect the CBD to natural space through residential areas, to create small and large scale loop path connections 
  • Address water quality though instream remediation and revegetaion, new wetlands, WSUD, and litter traps 
  • Increase biodiversity, canopy cover and habitat with new revegetation areas
  • Develop additional recreational opportunities along the river  
  • Reduce maintenance requirements 

The Yarrowee is a much loved feature of Ballarat and a public consultation  online survey was undertaken to ensure the community needs and vision are a key part of the future plans. A Project Working Group was established and key stakeholders have been involved in the development of recommendations and masterplan.


This Masterplan Review builds on the success of earlier projects and guides the transformation of the Yarrowee River, over the next 25 years. The ongoing process of developing the river as a place for significant recreational, environmental and educational values will, in turn, provide economic, social, environmental and physical health benefits for the community. 

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