The Healthy Hearts of Victoria project objectives include:
- Provide infrastructure designed to increase the physical activity of people in the Long Gully community, whose current physical activity is below the amount recommended by the Australian Department of Health.
- Enable local organisations that support increased physical activity and healthy eating in the Long Gully community.
- Build the HHV guiding principles into all projects
- To strengthen cross-sectorial connections
The overarching objective was to encourage more community members to use the reserve with a focus on those who are not currently physically active.
The design included:
- An outdoor fitness equipment node with three items
- 1.5m wide footpath around the oval and footpath connecting Long Gully Trail, splash park and walking track
- Solar lighting infrastructure
- Seating along the walking track
- Tree planting around the splash park
- Wayfinding and informative signage around the Long Gully Oval and the intersection with Long Gully Trail
- A public toilet (prefabricated model) to service Splash Park, fitness node and walking track.